So, this excursion is not for the feint of heart. The bluff is located along the Mississippi River in Red Wing. It’s considered sacred by the Dakota people as it’s the site of many burial grounds. The Dakota name is He Mni Can, this translates to Hill, Water, Wood.
The 400 foot walk is strenuous to say the least but even if you are not in the best shape, YOU CAN DO IT! The key is to take it slow and bring a water bottle. You won’t be disappointed. The views of the town, the Mississippi and Lake Pepin are breathtaking. Your reward, is it’s all downhill going back!
The Dakota legend says that hundreds of years ago, a mountain stood in the place of Barn Bluff. Two Dakota villages argued about who owned the mountain. It is said that the Great Sprit, as a compromise divided the mountain in two parts. One part stayed in Redwing, and the other was moved to Winona, where it is known as Sugar Loaf. Beautiful!
I have also hiked Sugar Loaf, it seems wilder than Barn Bluff, and steeper. Winona is also a great place for an adventure but I digress, that’s for another chapter.
I recommend you start out early and spend the whole day in Redwing, it offers plenty to do.